Friday, February 18, 2011

Calling all Faithful

I have a laughable vision.  It is not about Issac, but Abraham’s other son.

It is a desire that Christians on a large scale would unite in prayer for the Muslim people.  The best way to emphasize this prayer is for God to turn Ishmael’s heart back toward his father, Abraham.  To turn the heart of Arabic people (or in a broader sense, Muslim people) toward God through Jesus Christ. 

As fervently as Christians respond to concerns about Muslim extremists or infiltration of Muslim culture into our society, we should even more fervently be praying for Muslims (many who are Muslim only by name or nationality). For them to see their need for Abraham’s God and the Messiah He promised as Abraham’s seed.

Along this line, we also need to pray for Egypt.  It seems pretty amazing that the government overthrow has been peaceful so far.  I think it may have something to do with the peace agreement that Egypt has withIsrael.  Though it has been a tenuous peace since Camp David, it has stood.  We need to pray that fair minded leaders will rise up who are favorable to this peace and would allow freedom to those non-Muslim Egyptians.  Also to pray against the advancement of extremist Muslim groups that have promoted this uprising for their destructive purposes. 

Please pray for revival in Egypt and in all Muslim countries.